“Athletic Democracy: Robust Deliberation and Participation.” With Michael Neblo, Lauren Ratliff Santoro, Anand Sokhey, & David Lazer

“Can Money Buy Control of Congress?” With Gabriel Madson & Dave Siegel

“All Terrorism is Local: Context, Community, and the Politics of Collective Trauma.” With Matthew Simonson, Michael Neblo, & David Lazer

“Numeric vs. Text Messages in Experimental Cheap Talk Games” With Jon Woon

“Socializing Statecraft: Wining and Dining Congress in the Jefferson Presidency.” With William Massengill & Gregory Caldeira

“A Speech Act Perspective on the Survey Response.” With Jon Green, Jon Kingzette, & Michael Neblo

“Thrasymachus’ Blush: Between the Science of Reason and the Politics of Emotion.” With Michael Neblo